There’s now a healthier choice! Pickup or same day delivery by Officeworks.

The Old Way – The Blue Bottle

Used Bottles

Reused and refilled blue bottles. Was it cleaned properly?

Bottle Contains BPA

Blue bottles are made from Polycarbonate plastic. This plastic contains a chemical called BPA and low doses can leach into the water you drink. BPA has been banned in some products some countries; being linked to cancer, heart disease diabetes.

Customer Misuse

There’s a risk with the reused blue bottle that the customer before
you might have filled your bottle with something other water.

Rented Water Coolers

Ongoing annual rental fees.


Do their fixed water delivery schedules suit your needs?

The Healthy New Way – Aqua To Go

Hygienic Single Use Bottle

Brand sparkling new, every time. No reuse or refill risks, just a great looking healthy bottle on show.

BPA Free Bottle

Unlike the blue bottle, Aqua To Go is BPA Free.

Why take the risk and digest a toxic chemical?

100% Recyclable Bottle

Crush and recycle. Clean and simple, no empties clogging up your storeroom and support the environment by recycling our bottle.

Never Rent Again

Why rent? Own your water cooler and be free of annual rental charges.

Convenience – Pickup or Delivery

Pick up Aqua To Go from any Officeworks store or have it delivered. or Ph 1300 633 423

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